Friday 12 October 2012

For Pasha Dzikanyanga

Little Pasha

Today, marks exactly two months since Pasha, my beautiful daughter was born. She arrived into the world by way of a cesarean section, just like me, on Sunday, 12th August 2012. The little Pasha was born six days after my wife and I had celebrated our first wedding anniversary. What else can make a couple more grateful to God than this?

Weighing 3.5kgs at birth, Pasha is indeed a Leo. She looks strong, intelligent, focused, composed and relaxed. She doesn’t feel intimidated by her new environment but she is always busy figuring out reality and developing a bigger picture of the world in the process. Honestly speaking, the girl is my carbon copy; she has my hair, mouth, nose, and chin. My wife even argues that her feet resemble mine. But for your information, I am a Gemini.

Honestly, I will never forget the moment my sister in-law handed her over to me straight from the theater; it was the happiest moment in my life. A day never passes by without me reliving that occasion. It was that moment that made me realize that indeed I have grown up for I became not only a husband to my wife Stella, but also a father to my daughter Pasha.  

Why the Name Pasha?
Some friends have been asking me why I gave my daughter the name Pasha. Honestly speaking the name just dropped into my mind like a thunderbolt on a rock and I fell for it. It is an Indian name, which means bond. Pasha is therefore a bond between me and Stella, my family and Stella’s family, and between the two tribes to which we belong: Ngoni and Chewa. It is my hope that as Pasha grows, this bond will become stronger and stronger. May the Lord be praised for Pasha! May the good Lord bless Pasha so that she may lead a fulfilling life in this world!

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